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Brisbane review - A Very Naughty Christmas: an 18+ hoot from start to finish

By Nahima Abraham


A Very Naughty Christmas

Presented by Woodward Productions

La Boite

Kelvin Grove

Season ends December 18.

 Duration 80 mins without interval.


Ever get bored to tears from attending myriad stressful Christmas get-togethers, parties, or even sometimes dream of Christmas alone so you can avoid pesky relatives? Guilty. This is where A Very Naughty Christmas (AVNC) sits. A debauched and raunchy take on a chaotic Christmas dinner, the veteran production presented by Woodward Productions has been a cult-hit for the last eight consecutive years.

 At opening, the cast sparkled, the band fondled, and Santa was very, very naughty. A mix of dance, music, and parody, AVNC takes the stress out of Christmas and gives you a very long and sensual massage.

The cast was a balance of genders, providing stellar performances from both sides of the candy cane, with Lauren Jimmieson, Taylah Ferguson, Aurélie Roque topping the ladies’ charts with sultry and impressive vocals, and Anthony Craig, Lachlan Greenland, Daniel Erbacher, giving gender-bending high-octane performances to match their female counterparts. Steve Rooke as Santa had had some work done to be the baddest, sexiest, and naughtiest of them all.

This show was an 18+ hoot from start to finish. With many a sex toy being flung about, and audience interactive performances having the rest in stitches, the energy was ablaze. There was no rhyme nor reason to the flow or story of the piece, but that was half the point. Highlights included, a cross-over from The Police’s Roxanne, and Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer, paired with a spectacular Tango, a sneaky Elphaba insert featuring the mind-blowing Aurélie Roque, and some crazy antics from Lauren Jimmieson as an unhinged Elf.

Please bear in mind this show is most certainly not family friendly, and is 18+ only for a delicious limited season.




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