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Brisbane review: A Fun Night at Spooky FARNDALE CASTLE

By Lilian Harrington


Production: The Haunted through Lounge and Recessed Dining Nook at Farndale Castle

Writers: David Mc Gullivray and Walter Zerlin Jnr.

Company: St Luke’s Theatre Society

Director: Sharon White.

Location: Christ Church Hall, 6 Cork St. Yeronga

Season: 14, 15, 21, 22, 28, 29 March 7 30 pm

Matinee: 15, 22, 29 March 2 pm

Phone: 0493 778 379

This is a fabulously, fun night out! St Luke’s Community Theatre provided everyone with a very warm welcome as their guests arrived on opening night to see this popular Farndale play, The Haunted Through Lounge and Recessed Dining Nook at Farndale Castle, which must be one of the longest titles ever! It opened with a rush of energy as two characters Mrs Reece (Philippa Dwyer) and Felicity Cheshire (Madeleine Scott), ladies from the “Farndale Avenue Housing Estate Townswomen’s Guild Dramatic Society” interacted with much bravado and enthusiasm, (along with the frustrated “Producer”, Alex Thompson), with the large first night audience. The atmosphere created was very entertaining; to one side of the auditorium there were light refreshments being offered; in true community style there was a table full of “goodies” to support the local charity; and a keen group of theatre helpers. There was a “buzz of excitement” as the ladies from the Townswomen’s Guild, interacted with the audience.

Writers David Mc Gullivray and Walter Zerkin, have collaborated together to write the popular Farndale series. David McGillivray is a British actor, playwright, producer, screen writer and film critic. His writings show a penchant for both “on edge” entertainment , involving  humour and horror scripts. The Farndale plays are focused on The Farndale Avenue Housing Estate Townswomen’s Guild Dramatic Society. The play opens with two ladies from this society who make an impact as part of their introduction and upset their tired and frustrated Director, Alex Thompson with a few mistakes.

Performing a play within a play is not easy. The actors are called upon to play two different styles of characters at times, for instance, Philippa Dwyer played Mrs Reece from the Townswomen’s Guild and Lady Graves, the ghost at the Castle, as well as Mrs Slaughter. Also the talented Ellie Bickerdike had many different roles .It meant that they had to show different acting styles and mannerisms along with different accents and make the switches in a very short space of time. These actors made these multiple role changes effortlessly.

Audience were in fits of laughter when cast made intentional  appearances at the wrong time and forgot lines, as the others dictated, along with over the top acting in places and the use of special props such as, the suitcases and telephone, or the set that collapsed and the amateurish  paintings on the set, which sent the audience into hysterics. The props were often misplaced or thrown in at random by the stage crew.  There were light and sound effects that were going on and off when they shouldn’t have, which all added up to a comedy that was going awry, but  thoroughly enjoyable.

The four key characters were constantly on the move and required a lot of concentration as to when to switch roles.  Of special note, Marty (Jonathan Fox) and June (Susie Williams) , (also playing Thelma Greenwood),  gave very solid performances, along with the interaction and poetry reading from an invited audience member!  

Thanks to Director Sharon White and her Crew, for the meticulous and detailed direction and good team work from the cast. This play had excellent timing and was energetic, well-paced; it was a fun theatre experience for all! 


1 Comment

3 hours ago

Marty played by Jonathan Knox 😊😉


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